Our Crazy Christmastime
Hola, Wild Boy friends and family. We have plunged headfirst into this madness known as the Christmas season, and we have been fully engulfed with holiday madness. Don't get me wrong, we all love it. In the same way people love exercise, because afterwards you get that wonderful feeling of stinky exhaustion and you sleep well. And in the midst of it you get to humble brag to everyone else about how well you're doing with it. So, since I'll never be the woman who gets to casually mention every damn morning how intense her crossfit workout was before work while she sips some protein concoction instead of eating a damn meal, I will for SURE be the one who casually passes out Christmas cards at the BEGINNING of the month and plays it off as if it was no major effort. Real story: A full day was spent trying to juggle house chores and remember who to send cards to - I have A LOT left because the truth is after about 80 I thought to myself "nobody really cares..." and ...