
Showing posts from August, 2018

Back to School!

Hola, Wild Boy friends and family, and welcome back to a brief update from La Casa de Testosterone. Since last we parted, the boys have driven the cop and I crazy for the remainder of their summer vacation and last week (insert sounds of choir of angels here) school started again. I know, I know, everyone is shocked at the possibility that I could be relieved by the return of homework, packing lunches, drop off lines and the dreaded Tuesday envelopes. But I’ll level with you all – if school didn’t start and physically separate the Wild Boys I’m not sure they would have lived. You see, the bickering has reached maximum parental capacity. It’s almost as if they inhale ONLY to bicker on each and every exhale. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard them do it in their sleep. There is no end. So you can imagine my bliss when they are separated for eight hours a day. Although I’m not actually there to enjoy it, which sucks. But at least teachers see my pleasant children, not my hell spawn. So...