Summer Slip Ups
Remember a time when summer vacation meant that you had a break? Way, WAY back when, when you actually got two months reprieve to recover from the rigors of learning cursive and multiplication? Yeah, me neither. I know it exists because we are smack dab in the middle of it. My teacher friends are cavorting and having fun, while I'm cursing them for failing to supervise my delinquents for at least a few hours a day, thus propelling my workload into astronomical amounts of arrests and court time and making me seriously consider moving to a country that forces it's children to attend school always. ALWAYS. That being said, welcome humble readers to Mayhem Mother's halfway through summer tribute to her quickly vanishing sanity. Because if the work load increases, the stress increases, which means things that the wild boys think are trivial cause me to drink heavily and swear like a sailor as soon as they aren't in ear shot. But that hasn't been going as well as I ...