An Homage to Aunties
I am a firm believer in a village raising children. And I rely heavily on my sisters to be a a big part of the village. Lucky ladies, right? Memorial Day weekend. For me this equated to four days out of the office in the company of my lovely little gentlemen. On Friday we tagged in Auntie Jess to go hang out with us at Funderland, followed by some necessary shopping. She is our Girl Friday, and a standing date for us. She gets included in all sorts of fun things like the zoo, the art studio we hang and produce at, haircuts, grocery shopping, doctor appointments...but focus on the fun things folks. And this Friday was no different. After Mommy treated Auntie to loads of junk food Gavin informed her she would only be doing "fast rides" with him. Lucky girl, I've never seen anyone conquer a kid roller coaster that many times so quickly on the heels of chili cheese fries. Rock on, Auntie. And then, to avoid any extra traffic go...