
Showing posts from September, 2018

Flashback Friday: Surviving the Junior High Dance

Hola, Wild Boy friends, family, and loyal followers, and welcome back to another thrilling glimpse into La Casa de Testosterone.  We've had a super busy few weeks (think Tasmanian devil whirlwind kind of busy), and I'm left with so many things we COULD talk about. The boys once again testing the strength of my heart on the lake last weekend...     Or the boys starting tennis, or any number of school adventures like the last minute reminder that we needed pledges for a read-a-thon by the next day, or someone is convinced they have a dairy allergy, all while mom has multiple late night trainings and the cop has to juggle his schedule to accommodate two wild boys with batting practice twice a week. You get the idea, its been kind of crazy. But in the midst of all of it fell one thing that really must be documented: Gavin's first dance.   You see, the dance is noteworthy not in as much as Gavin went. It's noteworthy in the fact that I was forced to cha...

Honey Badgers and Honey Childs

Hola, Wild Boy friends, family and followers, and a very happy Labor Day weekend from la Casa. I hope this fantastic weekend brings everyone an extra day off or fantastic holiday pay. Here in la casa, it is a tumultuous time indeed. You see, Gavin in eleven. I could stop typing right there, realistically, and you would probably all understand to some extent and nod sympathetically. But confession is cathartic, and you know y'all just come back to eat popcorn and read in open mouth shock what a day in the life is like. Who am I to disappoint? Let me set the stage here. You all know Gavin started middle school this year. I'm not allowed to say Junior High, because the cop starts breathing all ragged and gets sweaty. So, we'll just humor him and say middle school because somehow that seems better to him. Whatever. At the beginning of the school year we decided that our after school routine would be all shook up, and the kids would go home some of our friends after school i...