
Showing posts from January, 2018

Shout Out to My Mom Squad/ Dealing With My Adrenaline Junkies

Hola, Wild Boy friends and family, and welcome back to la Casa. It's a holiday weekend here, and I don't need to tell you how exciting that is for everyone. But even more importantly, it was a slumber party weekend for the boys - they were BOTH gone for a night! There was an entire afternoon and night here where nobody screamed, nobody bled, nobody choked, and nothing broke. It was magical. Let me tell you how much I appreciate my mom squad on days like that. See, parents align by level of uptightness in my experience. Every now and then while out chaperoning a field trip or sitting through a birthday party you'll overhear someone with the exact same response you would issue and you immediately make friends. Now, the seriously uptight parents band together when they realize they all have to check food labels for gluten and sugar, and to confirm all plastic ware their children are using is BPA free, and should we really be using plastics anyhow... They put their kids ...

The All New Automated Casa de Testosterone

Hola, Wild Boy friends and family, and welcome to La Casa in 2018! We have enthusiastically entered the new year with high hopes but low expectations, as is our jaded way. Not going to lie, 2017 was something of a shit storm here (I know we aren't alone on this one) and we have vowed to make 2018 at least a trifle smoother. I know what you're thinking - New Year's Resolutions. Negative, Ghost Rider. We don't buy into that, because that is honestly the best way to set yourself up for disappointment when it falls through six hours into day one (hypothetically, of course). Instead, the Cop and I make concerted efforts to help out where we know the other may need a little boost. Apparently the Cop has determined that I need a little help with stress management, so in order to help ease some of my stress he has begun automating our house. I grew up in an era of one TV, no remote, wood fires for warmth, clothes lines to dry laundry and renting VHS players people. Several ...