
Showing posts from May, 2013

Failures in Parenting

Having just narrowly made the tax deadline, I was once again reminded of the classifications assigned families by income.  I would like to preface this blog by assuring everyone that the cop and I, we are in no way wealthy.  There are no true public servants that are.  People working for the government making a ton of money? Yes, you're right to loathe them. We do. But we do ok.  And this becomes an issue for me because we are now tasked with raising our children in a family that is economically comfortable, which is a foreign concept for both of us. You see, the cop and I, we were raised po'.  See, that's my joke. Too poor to even afford the extra 'or' at the end of poor. Me for considerably longer than the cop.  He had several years of slight struggle as a kid.  I remember my entire childhood being something like that.  And here I should clarify.  We both grew up in families with parents who worked, and who, in the worst of situations, st...